I.C.E. Vitrification: A Unique DMSO-Free System
We Put Gamete Safety First. Because Patient’s Deserve the Best.
We avoid toxicity issues associated with DMSO by using our own proprietary solutions.
We have optimized our solutions and protocols making for an easier and more dependable system that provides reproducible results.
Conventional Yet Flexible
The ICE system can be used with any micro-volume storage device such as the cryo-top, HSV straw, cryo-tec, cryo-loc, etc. as well as conventional 0.25cc cryo-straws that are inexpensive, sterile, and heat-sealable.
Optimized protocols allow flexibility and excellent outcomes.
I.C.E. Vitrification System
The I.C.E. Vitrification system was developed from the ground up. It started with the knowledge that slow-cooling is vitrification and therefore cells could be vitrified at slow or rapid rates of cooling. A simple storage device, the 0/25cc cryo-straw, was chosen as a storage vessel because it was inexpensive, sterile, sealable. However, any storage device can work. The success of our system lies in the cryopreservation solutions that are used. Utilizing basic cryobiological principles and a variety of permeable and nonpermeable cryoprotectants Dr. Stachecki developed vitrification solutions for oocytes, cleavage-stage embryos, and blastocysts. The system does not use DMSO, mainly due to the toxicity problems associated with this cryoprotectant. Because of this, the ICE vitrification system allows more time for dehydration and exposure to the solutions without the adverse toxic effects. The system therefore allows any storage container to be used along with much longer exposure times (upwards of 5 minutes in the final vitrification solution). The versatility and ease of use of the system also allows successful vitrification for even novice users. Originally the system was called "S3". This stood for "Simple, Safe, and Successful". We have modified and improved the formulation and protocols to such a degree that we now call it the “ICE Vitrification System”. Today the system has been refined even further. Many clinics worldwide use the system, because the simplicity and ease of use make it a favorite choice of both experienced as well as entry level embryologists. Please contact us for more information on how to test the system in your lab.